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From the Cornerstone of the WHITE THUNDERBIRD TEMPLE in the Sumarian city of Lagash, 4000 YEARS AGO


Politicians probably made speeches when this cuneiform cone was used to dedicate a building over 4000 years ago in Sumeria (later known as Persia and now Iran). This is an exact copy of the original that was made of sun-baked clay gathered from the banks of the Tigris or Euphrates Rivers. The cuneiform (meaning "wedge shaped") writing around the cone first appeared around 3200 BC and was used for thousands of years in Middle Eastern cultures. In this example there are 10 lines of writing around the cone. As was typical, this cone named the ruler responsible for the building and requested the blessings of the gods on its use. It was a message placed in the building's cornerstone 4100 years ago, a testimony to a great accomplishment, to achieving something important and of lasting value.

This unusual piece, from civilization’s earliest days, invokes the protection of the ancient Sumarian gods on the endeavor and acknowledges pride in creating a worthy and lasting accomplishment - "let the gods take notice!". The cone was never intended to be seen by human eyes again.


This reproduction was molded directly from the original cylinder cone (currently in a private collection) using a unique, patent pending technique which exactly copies the object without direct contact. This protects and preserves the original antiquity while permitting an exact duplicate to be produced. The cone, it's rollout (in a similar manner, 4000 years ago the cone would have been rolled in soft clay in order to read the cuneiform message it contained), and the dramatic presentation stand were individually handmade in USA with particular attention to authenticity and craftsman-ship. A truly unique piece - writing from the dawn of civilization!
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